Goodbye Indigo And Hello To Phi Phi

Goodbye Indigo And Hello To Phi Phi

All good things must come to end, but we have more exciting places to see here in beautiful Thailand.

Here' more of a glimpse of our beautiful pool villa and the Indigo Pearl. Really cannot recommend this place enough.

We're packed up, backpacks in tow, and head to the Phuket pier to catch our two plus hour ferry out to the Phi Phi Islands. These islands are one of the superstars of Thailand and have been regularly featured in the movies – see The Beach anyone?! Where's Leo?? 

As we approach the islands, it is almost a scene from a film itself with the islands found in the middle of the ocean, rising from the sea featuring steep cliffs and stunning secluded beaches.

There is a main strip to Phi Phi - specially for us tourists of course - but based on some recommendations from some Aussie mates of mine, we instead chose a resort off this path on its own little slice of paradise. The Tohko Beach Resort. Very glad we did.

Oh – and the one goal we had setting out on this holiday...stay in a hut over the water.


Phi Phi Viewpoint And More

Phi Phi Viewpoint And More

Patong Realness

Patong Realness