Bohol, It's Chocolate Hills And It's Fried Chicken

Bohol, It's Chocolate Hills And It's Fried Chicken

Time to explore Bohol! Bohol is the main island and we have our rental car and off we go...

First stop was… ummm… interesting. The Bohol Python and Wildlife Park. This was more of a kitsch stop and, well, kitsch it was. A very friendly Lady Boy, ummm well maybe Lady Man, who was the keeper of the snake remains. I really can’t say much else to be honest. SPEECHLESS.

Then off to the main draw for coming to Bohol — the Chocolate Hills.  

The Chocolate Hills are a natural wonder and no one can seem to explain how or why they were formed. Thousands of hills in the region and they got the chocolate name because at certain times of the year, they are all brown in color. We had some brown, but mostly green. Truly a stunning sight and so glad we made it to see these. It’s funny — the stage managers on LKOZ had a calendar up of natural wonders and February was a shot of the Chocolate Hills. Made me very excited to get here!

Just stunning.  

Lunch time. And our host said the BEST fried chicken you’ll ever have is at this place called Tany’s in Carmen. Tim happens to have a weakness for fried chicken, so we of course had to go.

Yum yum yum yum yum yum. Hole in the wall amazingness. It’s not breaded, but fried. Not once, but twice. Double friend chicken. After being marinated in whatever magic potion they use for 24 hours.  OMG to die for. And I even got a shot of the chef bringing in his next batch for tomorrow’s dinner… ah!  We had one each with rice and then took three to go — one for our dinner and two for our AirBnb hosts on request! It’s that good.

The rest of the day we spent exploring the countryside on beaten paths and small windy roads — many not paved. Was just beautiful. So peaceful.

Our plan was to make it to the Tarsier Sanctuary — a tarsier is best explained by the woman at the shop where we stopped to ask for directions. And where we bought a coke.

“Have fun at tarsiers. Veeeeerrrrryyyyyyy small monkey.”

And as she turns away, she adds...

“But…….veeeeerrrryyyyyyy big eyes.”

Sadly, we got there at 4:05 and they closed at 4pm — who knew! Ah well, it wasn’t meant to be.

We decided instead to check out the Bohol Bee Farm which wasn’t far from where we were staying.  Beautiful grounds with an extensive organic herb garden and a restaurant overlooking the ocean. We decided to try some locally flavored ice cream — hit the spot.

Back to the house for a night in. With a balcony and views like this, it’s not a hard thing to do. Did a lot of planning for our future time in the Philippines.

Off to bed and a massive travel ahead tomorrow as we venture to El Nido! 

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